Monday, May 27, 2024

Now They'll Understand

Brought to you by an anonymous watcher. A mild CONTENT WARNING for brief mention of transphobia, but otherwise enjoy!

“You’d think there’d be laws, having people plug up the sidewalk like this.” Julia’s voice dripped with venom as she and her friend walked briskly past the old man.

“Maybe he’s on his way to his hot date,” Becca retorted with feigned innocence, to which Julia could only snort in response.

    Even after living in the big city for years, roommates Julia and Becca had little tolerance for those outside their social strata, and very few received their scorn like the old man. They never bothered to learn his name, despite always seeming to always be lurking around the block their apartment complex was on. Combined that with his disheveled appearance and overall shyness towards others, they often went out of their way to speculate how much of a pervert he was whenever they saw him.

Julia continued, making sure to raise her voice could still be heard by him, “Fat bitch like him couldn’t find anyone to talk to him, much less fuck him.”

“Yeah, the only way he can get his rocks off is to pay some guy in a wig to play with his needle-dick. Probably even prefers it!”

The two women would be so preoccupied with their spiteful conversation they didn’t even process a flash of white light behind them, but as they entered their apartment complex a drowsiness overtook them. Although they were still in the early evening, they barely made it to their respective bedrooms before falling into a deep, dreamless sleep.

The morning after Julia would wake up groggy, face down in a small pool of drool. A little gross... she began, before realizing how hard it was to move. She rolled over, her eyes growing wide as rolls of fat shifted throughout her body. She shot up (or more accurately, lurched forward), sitting up on her bed. Her eyes went wide as she looked down to see how large her gut had gotten; her stomach must’ve weighed as much as her whole skinny body the day before. To add insult to injury, her chest failed to grow as dramatically as the rest of her, rather sagging pathetically to rest upon her corpulent stomach. Julia ran to bathroom to fully asses the damage. It was only one room over, but she had become so unhealthy and panicked that even the smallest effort left her sweaty and out of breath. Looking in the mirror, there was no denying it: she was now fat. A fat bitch… Julia’s blood ran cold as she connected the dots, remembering what she had said about the old man, and the LAST thing she said about the old man. The shock was too overwhelming to react, but what her hands found was unmistakable, tiny in her hands and obscured by flab, but unmistakable: whatever magic or curse that ruined her perfect body also gave her… distinctively male plumbing. Julia’s fugue state was interrupted by a blood-curdling shriek; it would seem Julia wasn’t the only one that had a rude awakening.

Julia waddled down the hall when she heard moaning coming from Becca’s room. The door being ajar was the only invitation she needed to peek through. The scene was no surprise: Becca lounging on the bed, desperately pleasuring herself, too preoccupied to notice her friend’s intruding eyes. 

Becca reached down to grab a shoe- to Julia’s shock, a shoe thought lost last week- to stick it in her face and inhale, leading her to masturbate with even more gusto. It wasn’t pretty, but Julia could hardly blame her. Ever since they were warped by whatever caused that flash of light, both of their sex drives have been off the charts. Julia scratched the itch by spending her nights in front of the computer screen. All of her free time would be taken up surfing the web and teasing her new dick, but watching Becca… awakened something. Maybe it was a case of the grass being greener, but to Julia, Becca had not turned nearly as badly as herself. Dare she say, growing hard peeping at her nude form, compellingly sexy.

If it was a few weeks ago, Julia would’ve compared this to Hell, enslaved to her animalistic desires. She wished she could have so much discipline now, but in this moment, grinding against the doorframe, trying to stifle her husky moans, she could feel the perverse pleasure erode her sense of self. Julia would’ve been terrified, but the need to get off was far too great.

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